Senin, 28 Mei 2018

Black adalah asuransi jaminan digital di blockchain

Hallo .. Teman-teman, Jika Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek Asuransi Hitam atau Anda tertarik untuk bergabung dengan proyek Black Insurance , adalah ide yang baik untuk membaca ulasan yang dapat membantu Anda mendapatkan informasi yang mungkin membantu Anda dalam melihat visi misi mereka selama proyek Asuransi Hitam

Black ada di sini untuk membuat perbedaan

Hitam akan menggunakan blockchain untuk mentransfer risiko secara langsung dari klien
(tertanggung) ke pendukung keuangan (pemegang Token Syndicate Hitam):
meminimalkan semua inefisiensi
menyimpan semua data dengan aman di blockchain
operasi bisnis transparan menggunakan kontrak pintar
inovasi lebih cepat oleh anggota platform

Hitam akan memperbaiki industri asuransi secara fundamental. Hitam adalah platform asuransi seperti Lloyds of London di blockchain tanpa biaya, penundaan dan birokrasi yang kita saksikan hari ini.

Bisnis asuransi akan dihasilkan oleh MGA lokal / Broker / Agen yang bertanggung jawab merancang produk asuransi untuk pasar, menetapkan harga dan menjual produk serta mengatur penanganan klaim. Mendelegasikan bisnis ke agen lokal membuat model bisnis Black terukur sementara membawa keputusan bisnis lebih dekat ke pelanggan akhir.
Asuransi Hitam akan menggunakan dua jenis token:

Black Platform Token (BLCK). BLCK memberdayakan infrastruktur, menyediakan akses ke platform dan untuk melakukan voting pada pembaruan sistem ke platform (token utilitas). Semua pengguna platform akan menggunakan BLCK untuk mengelola asuransi pada platform Black, dan permintaan untuk BLCK akan meningkat karena semakin banyak bisnis asuransi yang dilakukan di platform.

Black Syndicate Tokens (BST) (dikeluarkan ketika platform sudah siap). BST adalah investasi dalam modal asuransi, dan BST khusus dibuat untuk setiap sindikat (token keamanan), Profitabilitas portofolio asuransi untuk sindikat tertentu akan diteruskan ke pemegang BST itu.
Peta Jalan kami

Hard cap $ 45 juta

penggunaan dana & Distribusi Token

Struktur ICO

Distribusi Token


Berikut adalah ulasan yang saya sajikan untuk Anda semua dalam mencari informasi dan mengetahui proyek ASURANSI HITAM yang saat ini sedang dijalankan oleh tim mereka, jika ada kekurangan dalam menjelaskan artikel ini, jangan khawatir, saya telah menyiapkan tautan untuk Anda untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dan tentu saja Anda akan dapat berbicara langsung dengan pendiri atau tim mereka, di tautan.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan bergabung dengan media sosial ASURANSI HITAM hari ini silakan ikuti beberapa sumber berikut:

Whitepaper: .insure / whitepaper /
Bitcointalk: topic = 3372186.baru #


Rabu, 23 Mei 2018

MoviesChain_ Revolution in independent film distribution based on blockchain

what is MoviesChain?

MoviesChain by TVzavr is the world's first blockchain, secure, and anti-collapse platform that directly unites the viewers of independent filmplatforms and cinema. A revolution in independent film distribution, FilmChain by TVzavr decentralizes and disperses the global independent film distribution industry, providing efficiency, transparency , and unmatched global scalability.

About MoviesChain by TVzavr

1. Founded in 2009, we are a leading Russian video-on-demand company.

2. In 2010, we received $ 15 million in Venture Fund to form a strong team of 70 specialists.

3. By 2017, we have 30 million users who watch videos on our platform every month.

4. By 2017, we earn $ 10 million in revenue.

5. MoviesChain by TVzavr is supported by Akamai's unique content delivery network and Akamai network across 50 servers worldwide.

6. FilmThe entertainment content for TVzavr is protected cryptographically by our own unique data management system that has its own AES-128 standard.

7. Since 2010, our content is available worldwide in smart TVs, smartphones, and set-top boxes.

8. Our advertising clients are the largest companies in the world, including the Fortune 500 list.

Ecosystem MoviesChain ​​TVzavr

The MoviesChain platform takes care of all the above-mentioned market inefficiencies by fully decentralizing and undermining the independent film distribution industry.

MoviesChain streaming platform TVzavr gives independent film producers the ability to rent or sell their projects to a global audience. Unlike other platforms, MoviesChain by TVzavr allows independent film producers to save up to 90% of their profits.

Sales Token

Token sales will take place in 5 stages. During the first stage, only whitelist members can get tokens. It is possible to whitelist by submitting personal data on the site.

The third member of the whitelist will receive a 25% bonus. The remaining whitelist members receive a 20% bonus.

The second stage has a 15% free tokens bonus.

The third stage has a 10% bonus of free tokens.

The fourth stage has a 5% bonus of free tokens

The fifth stage has a 3% free tokens bonus. Bonus of up to 10% will be awarded for the number of tokens purchased:

10.000-50,000 ZVR - + 3% free tokens

50.000-150.000 ZVR - + 5% free tokens

150.000-350.000 ZVR - + 7% free tokens

over 350,000 ZVR - + 10% of free tokens

Token sales terms and conditions will be clarified more closely with the Token sale launch.

Token Distribution

100 million tokens will be issued
70% will be distributed during the initial sale
5% will remain in the reserve fund in case it is not possible to buy tokens in the secondary market for the reward program
2% will be opted out for reward campaigns
23% will be transferred to the initial investment team

All allocations will be changed proportionally, keeping the same allocation percentage for initial sales, reserve funds, bounty campaigns, and team allocations, if less than 70 million tokens are sold during initial sales.

Distribution of funds received from original token release:

IT-20% Development
Operational Cost-20%
Legal Support-5%
Board of Directors and Advisory Board-5%

Team MoviesChain

MoviesChain Advisory Team

For more information about MoviesChain please visit the official MoviesChain website below:





# 1 Global decentralize network to cash out no crypto-no fees, peer-to-peer & peer-to-exchange

Cryptoriya is the first blockchain-based technology that allows users to exchange any crypto-cash to within minutes from anywhere in the world, supporting 1600+ crypto-boxes or tokens in a single platform

A decentralized project that will be of value to potential investors or investors will be one of the projects that will grow rapidly as the turnover of digital assets has increased dramatically at the beginning of this year. The definition of this network uses a rather unique theme of other blockchain platforms around the world, has an equilibrium value and an investment process that has a higher profit than the capital needed in modern digital asset trading. CRYPTORIYA is a blockchain platform that first introduces a unique creative idea to the market of symbolic economics that can begin to trade in person and in a platform for the exchange of digital assets.

CRYPTORIYA This is one of the results of the development of the blockchain industry, which has seen good performance and great ideas based on a system that directly offers investors the opportunity to be more open with symbolic investment. As one of the first blockchain platforms to be generated, this company wants to get investors to worry more about the economic woes that many suffer in the world and help create the concept of mutual help as an investment by registered users in it can be exchanged Blockchain platform. Some key points of the CRYPTORIYA platform It will be the point that most of the registered investors or potential investors who start their business on this platform will do business.

Respond to the terms and conditions on the CRYPTORIYA platform It is a source of income that provides a balanced value of a mutually beneficial ecosystem between buyers and sellers. In this case, if the investor is an economic concept that has an average opportunity value greater than the investment capital's income, the symbolic sales will be distributed to deeper investors wishing to profit on that platform. The opportunity to connect with the following projects is a major effort in the legal and secure project of tobacco trade and tokens in the blockchain industry, starting to work and implementing a well-balanced analysis system in one of your own tactics and ideas, by many are directed investors. CRYPTORIYA a decentralized blockchain platform that aims to make investments that will impact the positive side of the fund management invested in this platform; In other words, this platform is a place for investors around the world.

CRYPTORIYA earlier this year in a commercial encryption firm that has certain characteristics, with the many and highly current commercial crypto markets that dominate the market. Business CRYPTORIYA Become one of the big companies with a big success rate in the future. Trading in the world of cryptocurrencies never escaped the ups and downs of fluctuations in the value of its currency and the exchange of currencies, this is something natural for commercial crypto companies, moreover, the company has no creative idea that it can Stop the system of investment, of course, this is a disaster that can be fatal with the destruction of the company. The decentralized mutual funds in the blockchain platform for investors around the world are an effective philosophy that provides this platform. With the vision and mission of the concept of mutual benefit between the project owner and the owner of the token. With so many crypto-science markets in the world this year that the competitors of many companies that have trade or commercialization need to have unique qualities and creativity, this could be one of the success points that the commercial crypto community can achieve.


This company has a commercial value that is quite special in every stock market. Providing a benefit to potential investors is one of the things cryptographic corporations could classify in the world, but it provides clear and detailed details and at the same time a roadmap that shows whether the company really cares about future investors. Potential. If you are looking for a marketplace to negotiate currencies, this is the solution you can take as one of the key options of the cryptographic trading market based on the Blockchain platform. It comes with the latest blockchain platform technology CRYPTORIYA it is one of the commercial markets of currencies and the exchange of cryptography through the system of market democracy, which has great benefits for the profits of shareholders. Not just the CRYPTORIYA Here it has an advantage that can be better explained than other markets as a place to trade in cryptography.

CRYPTORIYA is a new trading platform based on successful blockchain methods that demonstrate the market and change the way the financial ecosystem works. This system uses its platform counterparts to assist in the process of negotiating some types of incredible assets. In addition, this platform uses its own cryptocurrency, known as token trading. The developers hope to achieve huge liquidity goals that will maintain token operations to support the token holders. The goal of this platform is to take the lead in transforming multiple financial assets with blockchain technology. Once you decide to join this negotiation page, I am sure that you can continue to invest with the experience and creative ideas of the founder and start an exchange or exchange that will undoubtedly give you great income and benefits for you personally.

The future of the CRYPTORIYA platform as a first-generation platform that provides solutions to investor issues that may not be on time and each time the encryption market changes or the usual highs and lows of cryptographic prices make this platform searchable by potential users ready to receive automatic notifications on their mobile devices. the world without leaving the least of their activities. The goal is to build an ecosystem that conceptualizes the mutual benefits between traders and users, as well as a platform that can continuously contribute to the stability of income. To solve the problems that most investors often encounter, CRYPTORIYA comes to grips with, while providing smart solutions with a platform that helps performance and easy access to your accounts.


References and social platforms CRYPTORIYA:


Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

Goreng Telur; Satu-satunya Platform Pelatihan Kesehatan Online yang Anda Butuhkan.



"Kesehatan adalah kekayaan," kata mereka kepada kami.

Tidak ada yang bisa mencapai hal yang berarti terbaring di tempat tidur dan sakit. Memperhatikan kesehatan seseorang adalah emas. Menjadi sehat mengharuskan Anda untuk fit untuk melakukan tugas sehari-hari dalam keadaan pikiran dan tubuh yang benar. Tetapi kebugaran dianggap oleh sebagian orang sebagai kemewahan karena mereka juga mengeluhkan waktu, uang untuk membeli peralatan olahraga atau mendaftar untuk program olahraga yang dapat sangat membantu untuk mencapai tujuan tubuh mereka, daftar ini tidak terbatas. Yang mereka lihat hanyalah keterbatasan; alasan mengapa mereka tidak cocok.

Internet saat ini memiliki sumber daya yang hebat, baik gratis maupun berbayar, yang telah membantu banyak orang menjadi pelatih kebugaran mereka sendiri, bekerja setiap hari dengan rencana dan program fleksibel yang membutuhkan sedikit dedikasi untuk membuat mereka sehat dan kuat.

Fry Egg

logo image

Fry Egg adalah salah satu platform yang memahami betapa kompleksnya untuk melatih diri sendiri dan mencapai tujuan yang ditetapkan, oleh karena itu, platform telah memutuskan untuk menyederhanakan program kesehatan dan kebugaran untuk individu pada tingkat yang berbeda dengan bimbingan profesional yang tersedia untuk kebugaran pribadi dan pengembangan kesehatan.

Para pengembang platform ini memiliki pengalaman pribadi dengan masalah yang dihadapi kesehatan pribadi dan rezim kebugaran yang setelah penelitian pasar intensif mereka menemukan bahwa ini bukan hanya masalah yang melanda mereka saja tetapi ada populasi orang di luar sana yang menderita cobaan yang sama karenanya pencarian solusi. Merekrut pelatih pribadi, ahli gizi, ahli gizi, dan pembimbing kesehatan berkualitas tinggi, memberi mereka sarana untuk merancang program mereka sendiri. Program-program ini setelah selesai dikemas dan konten kepemilikan disediakan pada platform telur goreng untuk klien di seluruh dunia yang mencari program kebugaran yang disesuaikan. Ini membantu pelatih dan pelatih memasarkan program dan produk mereka secara efektif dan kepada khalayak yang tepat.

Sejak munculnya blockchain, ada gangguan besar di berbagai industri dan sektor kesehatan dan kebugaran tidak ditinggalkan. Sistem buku besar telah memungkinkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas, satu keuntungan utama sistem. Sistem ini telah membantu sektor kesehatan terutama dalam rantai suplai dan manajemen data.

Dapatkan Rewarded Untuk Menjadi Bagian dari Komunitas

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Fry Egg menggunakan teknologi blockchain untuk menumbuhkan perilaku baik sambil mendorong keterlibatan berkelanjutan. Ini kekuatan pasar kebugaran melalui penggunaan Token Telur. Platform beroperasi sebagai komunitas untuk keberlanjutan.

Klien mendapatkan hadiah dengan berpartisipasi aktif di forum dan kontes komunitas. Kesehatan preventif ditekankan pada platform ini dengan pengguna dapat menyesuaikan pengalaman mereka dari rencana kesehatan dan kebugaran yang tersedia. Ini terbuka untuk siapa saja yang mencari program kesehatan dan kebugaran yang dipersonalisasi dan untuk pelatih dan pelatih yang ingin mendapatkan produk mereka dan memprogram paparan maksimum. Ini menghubungkan semua pemangku kepentingan di sektor kesehatan dan kebugaran, klien berinteraksi dengan pelatih, dan ahli kesehatan untuk barang dagangan dan suplemen sementara pelatih di sisi lain memanfaatkan platform untuk memberikan program eksklusif untuk klien serta kiriman.


Detail Token dan ICO

Token Telur akan menjadi satu-satunya alat layanan atau pertukaran produk di platform ini. Kartu kredit dapat digunakan untuk membeli token. Hingga saat ini pelatih perekrutan tulis telah melalui cara manual dengan harapan desentralisasi proses segera dengan mengizinkan pelatih yang sangat dihormati untuk meninjau materi yang diserahkan oleh pelatih baru yang ingin memanfaatkan platform tersebut.

Platform akan menggunakan dua token; satu akan menjadi token yang kompatibel ERC-20 yang dapat digunakan untuk pertukaran bahkan di luar platform sementara token kedua akan menjadi milik platform Fry Telur bagi para pemangku kepentingan untuk berinteraksi satu sama lain. Sistem ini digunakan sehingga memungkinkan skalabilitas karena sifat jaringan etereum yang agak padat dan kadang-kadang lambat. Token dapat dibeli secara eksternal atau melalui platform.

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Total pasokan adalah 1 Billion Egg Tokens. 500 juta akan tersedia untuk dijual ke publik seharga $ 0,04

Penjualan token akan dilakukan mulai tanggal 1 Mei 2018 hingga 30 Mei 2018. Anda dapat mengunjungi untuk mendaftar ke daftar putih.

Peta jalan

Saya menantikan kuartal kedua tahun 2018 ketika Fry Egg akan terlibat dalam penandaan aktif platform dan integrasi dengan Garmin Smartwatches.

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Jumat, 18 Mei 2018

A new era of crypto-world with the PAYERA platform

The crypto-currency market and the number of different tokens is growing every day. Stable growth for several years indicates the future of the crypto currency. To eliminate the gap between the crypto currency and fiat money, more and more projects are emerging for the use of crypto currency in everyday life, to pay for daily purchases and services. I present to you PAYERA, which provides the possibility of safe payments and purchases using crypto currency.

What is PAYERA?

The project can be divided into 3 main components:

PAYERA - payment platform for buyers and sellers, having high protection, wallets and exchanger. However, access to the wallet of the PAYERA user will not be available. Buyers and sellers will be able to choose the preferred crypto currency for payment and receipt, change for another crypto currency or transfer to fiat money. Services will be free for buyers, with sellers will be charged 1% of the total purchase price. It will be possible to open an electronic wallet using a fingerprint or pin code.

SHOPERA is an easy-to-use online shopping platform for online shopping. Can be used by both companies and private individuals. Private users will be able to sell for free up to 10 products per month, for a fee - more. Companies will be able to sell their products with a payment platform of 0.05 - 0.5 US dollars, depending on the cost.

CARDERA - a crypto-plastic card for everyday payments. The card will be linked to your electronic wallet and allow you to pay for purchases or withdraw cash from ATM. The cost of the card is $ 20
The Ethereum Casper POS protocol will be used in the blocking system, which is the most advanced technology.
Part of the profit platform will be used for charitable purposes on all continents in equal quantities.

PERA and Crowdsdale Tokens

Ticker (short name): PERA
Type of the token: ERC20 (Casper)
Total cap (total): 2 100 000 000
Soft Cap (the minimum goal): $ 8,000,000
Hard Cap (maximum goal): $ 60,000,000
Presale (pre-sale): 30 May 2018- 15 June 2018
Crowdsdale (sale): 20 June 2018 - 18 July 2018
Price of the token in the presale: 0.035 US dollars
The price of the token in the crowdsdale: 0.05 USD
Payment method: ETC, BTC, LTC, DASH, BCH
Unsold sell tokens will be distributed proportionately between the owners
Country: Singapore

For more details:



Mensarii-Помогая потребителям и трейдерам преодолевать барьеры из традиционной банковской отрасли


Mensarii - это децентрализованная платформа, призванная помочь потребителям и трейдерам преодолеть традиционные барьеры банковской отрасли. Благодаря проверенной системе блокировки встроенные ошибки и злоупотребления старомодными банковскими службами могут в конечном итоге уйти в прошлое. Проверенная система блокировки обеспечивает неотъемлемую защиту от мошенничества и является убежищем для прозрачной обработки платежей. Mensarii призван ликвидировать растрату денег в виде дополнительных сборов и сборов, которые часто практикуются в банковских и кредитных организациях по всему миру. Благодаря интеллектуальному контракту и демократическому голосованию Менсарий контролируется людьми, которых он обслуживает. Члены будут определять обновленные реализации, чтобы идти в ногу со временем или оставаться впереди процветающей глобальной экономики. В Mensarii будущее банковского дела может быть достигнуто - и в ваших руках.

Карта оплаты

Mensarii предлагает всем членам предоплаченных кредитных карт, которые могут быть использованы с использованием криптовалюты и приняты во всех торговых точках по всему миру.

Преимущества MENSARII, которые получают потребители

Бесплатный счет на пожизненное пребывание (может взиматься плата за газ)
Членство в Free Union
DAO Democracy
Нет ежемесячных платежей
Кредитные карты
Службы общественного служения сообщества (восстановление идентификационных данных в случае неожиданной смерти)
Учетные документы (Учет в хорошем постоянном письме, Проверка счета, Подтверждение писем о средствах, Длина счетов - Письма, Письма о спонсорстве, Письмо подтверждения банка)
Бесплатные блокирующие службы на блоке ETH

Преимущества MENSARII для бизнеса

Кредитные карты
Членство в Free Union
DAO Democracy
Нет ежемесячных платежей
Бесплатный счет на пожизненное пребывание (может взиматься плата за газ)
Бесплатные блокирующие службы на блоке ETH
Учетные документы (Учет в хорошем постоянном письме, Проверка счета, Подтверждение писем о средствах, Длина счетов - Письма, Письма о спонсорстве, Письмо подтверждения банка)
Службы общественного служения сообщества (восстановление идентификационных данных в случае неожиданной смерти)

Мошенничество с защитой

Устранить высокие и скрытые цены
Видимость действий Cardrunner
Мошенничество с рекламой
Автоматическое управление выставлением счетов
Ожидание платежа
Общественная видимость поддельных счетов
Общий надзор за мошенничеством Биллингса
Ограниченная возможность объема
Дружелюбное сокращение мошенничества
Больше не украденных запасов
Подотчетность транзакций
Поддержка сообщества 24/7
Возврат платежа осуществляется через Smart ID прозрачно привязанные контракты Global ID
Защита клиентов
Защита финансовых учреждений
Клиенты и трейдеры по защите фондов
Запуск конечной карты
Конец транзакционной мойки
Построение доверия клиентов

о токенах

Меньшевые (Mii) токены используются для предоставления дисконтных сборов на платформе Mensarii (Mii). Сумма скидки составит 50% с использованием Mensarii (Mii). Цель состоит в том, чтобы предоставить 50% скидку на взносы для участников, используя Mensarii (Mii).
Общий объем поставок токенов составляет 2 000 000 000 долларов США (два миллиарда), на общую сумму 1 100 000 000 (один миллиард и сто тысяч), Mensarii (Mii) будет выпущен на продажу. Кроме того, 400 000 000 Mensarii (Mii) будут проводиться для фонда развития, чтобы стимулировать команду разработчиков и набирать больше талантов для Mensarii.


Название токена: маркеры
Тикер: Mii
Тип: стандартный ERC20, ETHEREUM
Общий токен: 2 000 000 000 токенов Mii
Продажа: Mii token
Развитие фонда: 400 000 токенов Mii
Цели финансирования раунда 1: 3500 ETH
Цель финансирования токена продаж: ETH 32 000






Rabu, 16 Mei 2018


Sports trade is still growing globally. The sports industry is a very popular one and has grown at a rate of 5% per year in the last 10 years. In the UK, 2.4% of the workforce is involved in sports. The US has a value similar to 2.5%. According to the data, the sports industry globally, has a production value of about $ 200 million USD, every year (including competitive sporting events, sports & fitness industry, sporting goods, venue operators, intermediaries, and traditional sports media).

The sports industry, however, is faced with several challenges such as distrust that have spawned disinterest among sports participants (employees and those who practice sports as a hobby). Also, sports data is highly accumulated, has no privacy security, has high transaction commissions and service fees, is plagued with fake reports, high foreign exchange fees, forged and still lacks the speed needed to grow the sports industry in terms of capital, collaboration, etc.

Faxport wants to solve this challenge as well as develop its sports and trading industry as a whole by rebuilding trust relationships, building a global communications network platform connected with sportsmen, and accelerating the overall growth of global sports trade. Faxport will also lower economic costs and optimize the allocation of resources in sports through the implementation of artificial intelligence agreements that allow its participants to easily verify the credentials and identity of others when conducting transactions and communications on the Faxport platform.

It should be noted that Faxport is in active joint operation with China's largest sports trade database and also leads the Japanese sports workforce. The Faxport project is based on a smart Ethereum contract that will help redefine the transaction method. Faxport also has a token (FAS) that can be used to purchase FX (credits used on the Faxport platform) at a discount. The FAS Token is a standard investment equivalent on FAX GO's crowdfunding platform.


FAXPORT The Faxport technology framework has the following features:

Data storage
Data source
Data analysis
Data processing
Data applications


FAXPORT Faxport will charge a service fee of 5% for the investment project, and the range of 0.2% - 2% as a service charge. Faxport will ensure that its users do not feel obliged to make payments to use its services during normal use.


Faxport token (FAS) is based on the Ethereum ERC20 standard. A total of 200 million FAS has been issued. FAS can be used to purchase FX credit in Faxport, as well as fiat currency. Note that, FX has a value of US $ 0.1 per 1 FX). Also, a 15% discount exists for FX purchases with FAS.
There will be a 15% dividend for FAS token holders quarterly. This will, however, be based on transaction fee services on the Faxport platform.


Contributing data • Data review
Payment of service
Cross-border accounting


20% - Pre-order period
25% - Formal sales period
15% - Team
15% - Stakeholders, consultants, and partners
22% - Faxport Ecosystem Budget
3% - Backup marketing


15% - Operating costs
15% - Partner network
5% - Reserve fund
35% - Research & Development
30% - Sales & Marketing


November 2016 - Faxport project team was formed
February 2017 - Faxport beta operation
May 2017 - The database includes 40000 projects and established companies
August 2017 - Faxport enters into partnership with Chinese company Kuaitiyu (no proposal blockchain solution /)
November 2017 - Media, recruitment and user system is complete
February 2018 - Faxport achieves cooperative objectives in Japan
March 2018 - FAS Pre Sale
April 2018 - FAS is officially launched
June 2018 - Faxport is officially involved in work in Japan
Q3 2018 - Reward System for recruitment, investment and financing, and users completed on blockchain products
Q4 2018 - Enter the Korean, Hong Kong and Taiwan markets; Launch of FAX GO demo
Q1 2019 - Blockchain 2.0 product is complete.
Q2 2019 - Launches data analysis for companies, as well as internal operations and management systems (Web and mobile clients)
2019 - Enter the North American and European markets


Li Xiaocheng - Co-founder
Huang Zhijin - Founder
Together with Haibing Gong - Mitra Tech
Tom Tong - Marketing Director
MeiKei Cheung - Business Manager
Leung Wai - Senior Business Manager
Meider Shaw - Social Media Manager
Jiang Hao - Business Manager
Zhiwei Ho - Customer Support Specialist
Nanjie Wang - Investor & Adviser
Shek Xiang - Counselor

Sport and trade will be brought to a new level with Faxport. Please participate in its ICO event and share in its success and benefits.




Selasa, 15 Mei 2018


Hasil gambar untuk bitcoin crown bounty


The gaming industry is one of the largest in the world, with annual revenue above $ 60 billion. The online segment of this industry is one of the most stable and fastest growing in the digital industry. Through the proliferation of mobile phones and advances in technology, this industry is positioned for greater achievements. Unfortunately, there are still many factors that restrict the industry from reaching its full potential. This is what Bitcoincrown has come to address. Bitcoincrown set out to integrate blockchain technology into the gaming industry in order to add value to both developers and gamers. Through tokenization, Bitcoincrown will give game creators, content creators, and the gaming community the value of cryptographic support and tools for deploying and managing virtual assets. I will explain some of the shortcomings of the current game industry and then explain how Bitcoincrown will deal with these problems.


The gaming industry is plagued by a series of challenges whose urgent solution is to bring back the sanity and hope for this huge revenue center. Among the problems include payment fraud which results in loss of funds and reputation, high fees as a result of the use of third-party platforms for payments, platform centralization that restricts players and often results in loss of assets when banned , lack of standard openness in the gaming industry that leaves the user unaware of what to expect, lack of value to users as evident in the fact that players are not given real value to play and this makes many people think that gamming is more or less a waste of time.


Having considered the problems faced by the gaming industry, Bitcoincrown proposes to build a system that solves problems as a way to revolutionize the gaming industry and place it where it should be. Many features will be integrated into this platform to make it beneficial to developers and gamers. The goal is to create a system that enables game publishers, game servers, and communities to manage virtual merchandise and game items across platforms. We are not forgetting the importance of security, because we will apply the best security measures on this platform. Decentralization through the integration of blockchain technology solves the problem of centralized control of the gaming industry by traditional operators. Through this innovation, power will be returned to the people. One unique thing about Bitcoincrown is the mutual benefit that this represents for developers and players. Monetization using BTCC Coin will be a major focus with robust features and toolkits provided.


As I said before, the essence of tokenization is to bring value to the gaming industry. To do so, Bitcoincrown will create a total of 70 million Bitcoincrown tokens (BTCC) and 60% of them will be open for sale to investors. The token balance will be used for team, consultants, marketing and promotions. Unsold bookmarks will be burned to create scarcity that will strengthen the token. This is a good project to invest in and I recommend you read the whitepaper for more information on this project. To participate in the sale of tokens, visit the website below, as the pre-salt continues to work with a good bonus.

These are the links to use for more information.



Crown bitcoin (Crypto currency for online games)



Bitcoin crown is a digital commerce token that will give game developers, creators and game communities the necessary crypto-supported values ​​and tools to implement and manage virtual stuff.
The Bitcoin crown platform offers the safest crypto platform for online gamers and crypto currencies worldwide. The bitcoin crown solution for local and digital exchange of all FIAT and crypto curriences between each interested party is unique. The bitcoin crown is also a decentralized platform for managing, distributing and trading virtual goods. The bitcoin crown will also give gamers and content creators a new model of virtual ownership.
The future of cryptocurrency gaming.
Online gaming is one of the most technologically evolving and stable segments of technology, supported by loyal audience of gamers and mobile technology deployments, along with the expansion of high-speed internet connections around the world. The last two factors also work towards the development of the digital economy, and in particular, the virtual currency market. The virtual currency has taken 0.1% of world global money transactions and this is very meaningful.
Crown bitcoin is a new era of online games.

Bitcoin Crown is a digital commerce token that will provide game developers, creators, and game communities the required values ​​and tools supported by crypto to deploy and manage virtual stuff.
Token bitcoin crown information.
Name: Bitcoin Crown (BTCC)

Bitcoin Crown is a cryptocurrency designed for lovers of online games.

Total Supply: 70,000,000 Token BTCC

Total Allocation: 50.000.000 Token BTCC

Hard Cap: $ 10,000,000 USD

Soft Cap: $ 2,500,000 USD

Currency: ETH

ICO will start May 15, 2018.
Bitcoin crowns the trade revolution, you can follow this link to get the purchase amount of your token

To find out more about this great project, you can follow the links below:

Telegram group chat:


Bitcoin Crown Will Change Gaming Coins Forever


When finding blockchain projects to follow I look for things I am interested in myself. I started playing video games in 1985 on an IBM computer my father brought home that had a built in screen. I’ve owned dozens of gaming systems and logged thousands of hours playing all types of video games.

Online gaming is a huge growing economy with an estimated 19.9 billion in US dollars back in 2016. The market is growing so it’s safe to say online gaming is not going anywhere.

I found this project called Bitcoin Crown offering a game developers a platform to exchange crypto for fiat. They are building a decentralized platform used to manage, distribute, and trade virtual goods.

One thing to point out is their Pre Sale is ongoing with a 40% bonus. That bonus will not last long so check them out soon.

Don't just take my word for it. There are many websites ranking ICO projects like Bitcoin Crown. The site below is well respected and provide additional information about these projects. Make sure to read multiple sources before backing any particular project. has a solid 7.7 overall rating for Bitcoin Crown. The rating broke down to 9.2 for Main Info, 7.5 for Finance, 6.6 for Product, 7.5 for Team and 7.5 for Marketing.

If you are interested in this a idea make sure to visit the home page of Bitcoin Crown to learn more. I recommend reading their whitepaper before backing any project like this. Most ICOs will answer your questions if you contact them via their website or telegram.

Token Information:

Bitcoin Crown (BTCC)
Total Supply: 70,000,000 BTCC Tokens
Total Allocation: 50,000,000 BTCC Tokens
Hard Cap: $10,000,000 USD
Soft Cap: $2,500,000 USD
Currency: ETH



Senin, 14 Mei 2018

M E V U Project

We stellen u een gokplatform voor dat u voorziet van decentrale gaming-apps, waarmee u individueel of in groepen kunt spelen. Je kunt je vaardigheden testen en concurreren met je vrienden. We bieden functies waarmee u kunt gokken en berekenen het eindresultaat van populaire sociale evenementen met uw vrienden. We maken online weddenschapsruimte innovatiever en interactiever voor u, door deze functies te combineren, kunnen we de concurrentie tussen spelers vergemakkelijken, hun vaardigheden en kennis van anderen testen. We zijn niet zomaar een gokplatform, we zijn beter en innovatiever.
Aan de slag Ontwikkeling
We zullen dit platform met meer innovatieve functies ontwikkelen dan vergelijkbare platforms, we vertrouwen meer op het huidige gedecentraliseerde systeem, waar het systeem op een bepaald moment niet gecentraliseerd is en het systeem in staat stelt om efficiënter en beter te werken dan te wedden op conventionele platformsystemen. op dit moment. We zullen ontwerpen, waarbij elk spel direcVerkooptoken
ntroleerd en geverifieerd door Oracle te gebruiken en het resultaat automatisch in de token ether-vorm te delen. Het betalingssysteem wordt rechtstreeks aan de winnaar toegekend op basis van het spelersrapport en de Oracle-verificatie. We zullen dit systeem zodanig ontwerpen dat het zo veilig en veilig mogelijk is voor gebruikers, zodat ze direct thuis kunnen spelen en wedden zonder zich zorgen te hoeven maken over de veiligheid of snelheid van transacties / uitvoeringen die door hen worden uitgevoerd. We zullen deze platforms ontwerpen voor feature-rich en beschikken over uitgebreide gokplatforms, aangezien we zien dat de gokmarkten van vandaag een snelle groei kennen en zouden moeten worden opgenomen in de hedendaagse hernieuwbare technologieën.
Redenen dat we voor Blockchain kiezen
We hebben dit platform ontworpen om te draaien met behulp van blockchain-technologie als ons platform voor platformontwikkeling. Omdat Blockchain vanaf het eerste gezicht wordt geleverd met een snel en veilig online transactie-aanbod en alle soorten gegevens en crypto ondersteunt. Blockchain-technologie maakt gebruik van een systeem, waarbij elke transactie wordt vastgelegd en niet voor altijd kan worden gewijzigd, zodat transactiebeveiliging en -transparantie kan worden behouden en de mogelijkheid van gegevensfraude wordt beperkt.
Wij geven de voorkeur aan de Blockchain-technologie omdat deze technologie tegenwoordig veiliger is dan de gewone technologie. In tegenstelling tot conventionele technologie, vereist Blockchain-technologie geen derde partij, dus het is veiliger en kosteneffectiever. Wanneer gegevens worden vastgelegd, wordt deze voor altijd opgeslagen en kan deze niet worden gewijzigd.

Tot slot
We zullen een fatsoenlijk, veilig platform voor fatsoenlijke weddenschappen voor je bouwen en we ontwerpen je om live weddenschappen thuis te spelen en tegelijkertijd te leren. Met de classics-boardfunctie kun je de prestaties van andere spelers zien en kun je spelerstatistieken zien. We zullen je interesse en ervaring met weddenschappen met je vrienden of spelers over de hele wereld vergroten; we zullen op hetzelfde moment verschillende sensaties en plezier brengen in weddenschappen, en dat is wat u zou moeten krijgen. Wij geloven dat blockchain-technologie het belangrijkste onderdeel is, we kunnen een platform bouwen dat veiliger en beter is dan vergelijkbare platforms.

Meer informatie:



a betting platform that will provide you with a decentralized gaming app, which allows you to play individually or in groups. You can test your ability and compete together with your friends. We will provide a feature where you can bet and calculate the end result of popular social events with your friends. We will make online betting space more innovative and interactive to you, by combining these features, we can facilitate competition among players, test their skills and knowledge against others. We are not just a regular betting platform, we are better and more innovative.

We will develop this platform with more innovative features compared to similar platforms, we rely more on the current system of decentralized systems, where the system is not centralized at one point and allows the system to work more efficiently and better than the conventional platform system betting at this time. We will design, where each game is monitored and verified directly using Oracle and divides the result automatically in the token ether form. The payment system will be awarded directly to the winner based on the player’s report and the Oracle verification. We will design this system to be as comfortable and secure as possible for the users so they can play and bet at home directly without worrying about the security or speed of any transactions/executions done by them. We will design this platform into a feature-rich and feature-rich betting platform, as we see that the betting market is currently experiencing rapid growth and it should be coupled with today’s renewable technology.

We designed this platform to run using blockchain technology as the basis for our platform development. Because from the first appearance, blockchain comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology uses a system, where every transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, so transaction security and transparency can be maintained and reduce the chance of cheating data. We prefer to use Blockchain technology because this technology is more secure than ordinary technology today. Unlike conventional technology, Blockchain technology does not require a third party, so it’s safer and cost-effective. When data is recorded, it will be stored forever and can not be changed.

We will build a decentralized betting platform that is convenient and secure for you, and we design you to enjoy betting directly from your home and learning at the same time. With the classmen board feature, you can see the performance of other players and you can see the player stats. We will increase your interest and your experience in betting with your friends or players around the world; we will bring different sensations and excitement in betting at times same, and that’s what you should get. We believe that blockchain technology is the most important part of it, we can build a platform that is safer and better than similar platforms.



For more info:


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  Hi everyone ... I'm here to tell you all by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called BNXFINEX , so for that, con...