Senin, 16 Desember 2019

Token adalah instrumen pembayaran yang menggunakan teknologi ERC 20.


codeo adalah bagian dari unit bisnis LIMA ANGELS INVESTMENT (HOLDING) LIMITED British Virgin Island (BVI) di mana kami terlibat dalam pengembangan bisnis dan inovasi di dunia keuangan berbasis digital. melalui perusahaan ini juga mendukung pendanaan perusahaan startup digital melalui program inkubasi yang diadakan untuk menumbuhkan startup baru menuju unicorn dan bahkan decacorn


Anda dapat memiliki token kode melalui IEO pada CATEX (sekarang), BINANCE, COINEAL, ARCHIDAX, dan lainnya. dan setelah IEO Anda juga dapat berdagang di bursa di mana target kami untuk tahun pertama adalah 25 bursa


Codeo adalah aset digital yang aman karena berdiri di atas teknologi Ethereum ERC 20 yang terdesentralisasi dan aman. Codeo terus mengembangkan teknologi untuk keamanan dengan membangun jaringan Blockchain sendiri yang akan dirilis pada akhir Agustus 2020


dengan memiliki kode Anda akan mendapatkan manfaat tambahan dari mendapatkan bunga tahunan sebesar 2% per tahun yang diakumulasikan dari nilai jaminan $ 1 dan dikalikan dengan jumlah token yang Anda miliki. dan Anda akan menerima manfaat ini setiap 7 Juni dan akan dikirim ke dompet Anda codeo


Codeo selain aman juga memiliki kelebihan seperti jaminan dengan nilai terendah $ 1 di mana jika kondisi pasar memburuk Anda akan mendapatkan harga dijamin $ 1 dan dapat menjual di Archidax. artinya, perusahaan akan membeli kembali melalui archidax. dengan kondisi jika harga token di bawah $ 1


Token Codeo datang sebagai inovasi dan solusi dari pemain pasar digital dan blockchain untuk bertransaksi menggunakan aset digital yang berharga serta nilai dan harga yang dijamin. karena codeo dirancang untuk instrumen pembayaran dan transaksi untuk saat ini dan masa depan


token distribusi


Simbol: CODEO
Nilai Awal: 1 CODEO = 1 USD
Kontrak Cerdas 0x46b4a7d906F1A943b7744Df23625E63726d79035
Ketik: ERC20
Distribusi CODEO 30 Miliar
CODEO Awal Diterbitkan 3 Miliar


Februari-April 2019
Ide dan Kreasi

April - Agustus 2019
Pertukaran Archidax & Tradingdevlopment

Oktober 2019
Pembuatan Kode & Protokol

08 Nov -8 Des 2019

November - Desember 2019
IEO Listing pada Binance

Desember 2019
Aplikasi seluler foriOS & Android


Pendiri BitBlock Ventures. Blockchain, Tokenomics, ADVISOR Penggalangan Dana

CEO Utama | Visioner dan Pendiri Anchor Stablecoin ADVISOR

Blockhain, Ahli dan Pendiri CHIEF TECH

PEMASARAN Evangelist Pemasaran Digital

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:


Nama Pengguna:Sumurbor

ETH Address: 0x748bd5a5753587937fAC0e726B384bDbD2870644

DAIN - это платформа искусственного интеллекта следующего поколения

Искусственный интеллект - это часть программной инженерии, которая намеревается создавать хитрые машины. Это стало основной частью инновационного бизнеса. Исследования, связанные с искусственным интеллектом, являются исключительно специализированными и концентрированными. В центре проблем искусственного интеллекта лежит программирование ПК для определенных атрибутов, например, информации, рассуждений, понимания проблем, восприятия, обучения, планирования и умения контролировать и перемещать объекты

Возникли искусственные беспорядки, и ассоциации по сборке, транспортировке, розничной торговле, деньгам, развлечениям, обучению и друг другу меняют свои центральные процедуры и планы действий для использования. ИИ не только меняет предприятия и организации, но и предполагает колоссальную работу в нашей повседневной жизни. То, как мы обходимся, то, что мы выбираем, есть, сколько мы платим за пиво, часто зависит от договоренностей AI.

Несмотря на свое исключительное влияние на общество и гигантские интересы, ИИ и его потребности трудно понять из-за его многогранной природы. Организации и эксперты не настроены на его огромное злоупотребление масштабами. Эти условия особенно влияют на большинство обычных организаций, которые застигнуты врасплох посреди проблемных изменений. Чтобы гарантировать разумную, скромную и ловкую комбинацию ИИ в глазах общественности, приносящую пользу двум организациям и их клиентам, необходимы явные устройства, которые решают эти границы раздела.

Это децентрализованный ИИ! По мере продвижения вперед я вижу три гигантских благоприятных обстоятельства децентрализованного ИИ по сравнению с обычным ИИ:

=> Незначительное бездействие или отсутствие зависимости от организации ассоциации
=> Подготовка становится все более эффективной или проводится децентрализованно
=> Меньше энергопотребление или еще раз, не зависит от организации ассоциации

DAIN - это передовая стадия искусственного интеллекта, децентрализованная и георассеянная система открытых фигур, представленная через блокчейн, и обладающая определенным опытом в решении проблем сознания, созданных человеком. DAIN позволяет продуктивно использовать ресурсы обработки любого гаджета, найденного в любой точке планеты, без посредников, для решения сложных проблем вычислительного ИИ. Он вознаграждает владельцев оборудования и создает коммерческий центр искусственного интеллекта, где организации со схожими потребностями могут вместе или договариваться.

DAIN не имеет своих собственных активов. Скорее, он использует бесплатную регистрацию ресурсов с любого ПК или гаджета, от частных дата-центров до КПК и гаджетов IoT. Владельцы фигурирующих активов затем получают компенсацию без посредников.

Наша миссия:

=> демократизировать ИИ до
ИИ вне ящика. Нет ограничений на информацию, вычислительные активы, информацию или время, чтобы поглотить ИИ.

=> Четкие модели адаптации
Создавайте новые источники дохода, основанные на информации, не теряя контроля, владения или внимания к вашей модели.

=> Новые модели бизнеса и отношений
Обмен избранными ресурсами и администрациями между организациями и их клиентами / соучастниками.

DAIN позволяет организациям разрабатывать новые планы действий, новые модели взаимоотношений со своими клиентами и новые источники дохода, предоставляя защищенное пространство, где они могут безопасно продавать, сдавать в аренду и предлагать информацию, договоренности, информацию и основы для создания, расходования средств и осуществления ИИ.

DAIN Ecosystem:

=> Через DAIN организации всех размеров получат доступ к регистрируемым активам для решения своих проблем, заинтересовавшись потрясениями ИИ за счет агрессивных расходов.

=> Компании будут иметь возможность пожирать предварительно изготовленные модели ИИ, изготовленные и подготовленные другими членами DAIN, которые решили распространять их в системе

=> DAIN будет демократизировать ИИ. Нет ограничений по информации, регистрации активов, информации или времени, чтобы тратить модели AI

=> Производители будут иметь возможность адаптировать модели искусственного интеллекта, изготовленные уже для собственного использования или даже созданные для использования в окружающей среде.

=> У них будет возможность создавать новые источники дохода на основе своей информации, позволяя готовить с ее помощью модели посторонних. Одновременно им никогда не придется делиться этой информацией или терять над ней контроль.

=> Продюсерские организации будут иметь возможность получить доход от дополнительного предела расчета своих центров обработки данных, используя свои активы.

=> Конечные клиенты будут иметь возможность получать доход, продавая дополнительный лимит регистрации своих гаджетов. У них будет возможность амортизировать интерес к этим гаджетам, используя свои мобильные телефоны.

Токен DAIN законно связан с интенсивностью определения системы. Для оценки вычислительной мощности системы используется эталонный файл: DIPS (стандарт производительности индекса DAIN). Каждая потребность в помощи, о которой заботится система, может быть описана номером DIPS, который говорит об оценочной мощности регистрации, необходимой для ее распутывания.

Маркер DAIN (DAINT) характеризуется как предел обработки, позволяющий выполнить запрос помощи 1 DIPS в каждой динамической ячейке минимальных ресурсов в системе. 1 DAINT = 1 DIPS x #MRC

Распределение токенов:

=> Продажа токенов

=> DainWare
DainWare - организация, ответственная за постоянное развитие и совершенствование базы DAIN.

=> DainServices
DainServices - это административная организация, предлагающая корпоративным клиентам некоторые преимущества и преимущества, включенные в DAIN и использование вариантов использования.

=> Баунти и Сообщество

=> Команда и Советники

Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже:

Технический документ:


ETH Address: 0x748bd5a5753587937fAC0e726B384bDbD2870644

Введение в кредиты - уникальный блокчейн для скорости, децентрализации и масштабируемости


Для людей технология Blockchain - это революционное изобретение, но каждое изобретение нуждается в дальнейшем развитии. Например, если вы сравните телевидение 1990-х годов с нынешним телевидением, вы сможете найти ту же идеологию, что и лучшую работу. Так что да, мы не можем игнорировать блокчейн Биткойна, потому что это первый блокчейн, но мы не можем придерживаться этого единственного блокчейна только потому, что в блокчейне Биткойна есть много ограничений, таких как медленная скорость, меньшая масштабируемость, отсутствие умного контракта и т. Д.

Итак, здесь нам нужен лучший блокчейн для решения наших требований, и дамы и господа, я представляю здесь кредиты; Самый быстрый блокчейн. Если Blockchain от BItcoin - это телевидение 1990-х годов, то Credits Blockchain - это LED / LCD телевизоры. Так что придерживайтесь этой статьи, я объясню, почему Credits является уникальным блокчейном для скорости, децентрализации и масштабируемости.

Как кредиты быстрее, чем другие блокчейны?

Как я уже говорил, биткойн похож на телевизор 1990-х годов, поэтому несправедливо сравнивать скорость блокчейнов кредитов с блокчейном биткойнов, поэтому давайте сравним некоторых других конкурентов кредитов. В интервью с Игорем Чугуновым (основатель и генеральный директор CREDITS.COM) в журнале Altcoin он рассказал, что EOS, Tron, Ethereum и другие платформы с открытым исходным кодом для децентрализованных приложений являются основными конкурентами Credits, и среди всех конкурентов Tron является самая быстрая цепочка блоков, которая может занять 2-3 секунды для транзакции и 6-8 секунд для умного исполнения контракта и до 2000 TPS, но кредиты требуют 0,1 секунды для транзакции и могут обрабатывать более 50 000 транзакций в секунду с очень низкой комиссией от 0,001 $. И скорость кредитов также больше, чем VISA и Paypal.


Вы знаете? Команда этапа блокчейна Credits завершила тестирование фреймворковой версии Alpha. Цель состояла в том, чтобы проверить, что является его наиболее тяжелым бременем и как оно не поддается подготовке огромных объемов транзакции, распознать ее проблемы и решить их, и они нашли. При максимальной загрузке инфраструктура может обрабатывать пул (препятствовать) 488 403 транзакций в второй. Очевидно, что альфа-версия находится в стадии разработки, потому что она нуждается в большем количестве обновлений, чтобы узнать больше о тестировании альфа-версии, вы можете проверить эту статью. В любом случае, текущая скорость транзакции все еще нуждается в рассмотрении.

Как кредиты более масштабируемы, чем другие?

Блокчейн Credits более масштабируем, чем другие, потому что платформа блокчейнов Credits написана на C ++, а умный контракт написан на Java с другой стороны, когда вы думаете, что нужно использовать Ethereum Blockchain, тогда вам сначала нужно изучить язык солидности, но здесь, в блокчейне Credits, вам нужно два общий и универсальный язык, такой как Java и C ++. Из-за простоты кредиты могут быть использованы в любой отрасли. Кредиты уделяют большое внимание проблемам безопасности, представляя консенсусный алгоритм под названием CDCA (Алгоритм согласования решений по кредитам) с включенными основными моментами dPoS (делегированное подтверждение кола) и BFT (византийская адаптация к некритическим сбоям). Теперь блокчейн Credits не только быстрее и масштабируемее, но и безопасен.

Add a subheading.png

Вариант использования блокчейна кредитов:

Чтобы выяснить, является ли проект блокчейна ценным или нет, вам необходимо выяснить его варианты использования, и важность проекта блокчейна возрастает, когда проект блокчейна предоставляет услуги не только крупным компаниям, но и всем в повседневной жизни. Теперь позвольте нам обсудить вариант использования проекта Credit, и чтобы узнать важность Blockchain Credit, вам нужно посетить раздел партнеров сайта Credit, где вы можете увидеть технологических гигантов, таких как Lenovo, IBM, Oracle и т. Д. Не только партнеры Blockchain Credit, но и они используют Blockchain Credit для разработки своих продуктов. И каждый генеральный разработчик может также использовать Blockchain Credit для разработки всех типов DApps & Services. Тем не менее, моя следующая статья о реальном использовании Blockchain Credit.

Для получения дополнительной информации вы должны подключиться к блокчейну Credit все важные ссылки ниже:

Кредитное предприятие:
КРЕДИТНЫЙ кошелек:


Wallet Address Credits: 61te7JsmfjCB837tyRKyoZGQ9tdYwQwUUPZzJHHBDNzd


Hello everyone, back again with me Sumurbor, On this occasion I will give an explanation of the Blockchain project called Credits, For more detailed information, let's look at my writing together on this one.


The growth of the Blockchain industry has been very consistent in recent years. Ten years ago, Bitcoin was discovered through blockchain technology by an anonymous person named Satoshi Nakamoto with a vision to decentralize the global monetary system. The technology underlying Bitcoin cryptocurrency has been very beneficial for the whole world because the use of blockchain technology is not limited to cryptocurrency. This technology applies in almost all areas of life while use cases are unlimited. It's been almost a decade now, technology has exploded into a full industry where companies, industries, organizations, the health sector, government, and many more are utilizing technology efficiently. Despite the chaos in hostile industries and government regulations, technology has never stopped being adopted by many companies,

DApps and countless applications are being developed every day just to improve the livelihood of every human being, solve some basic real-life problems such as improving the entire workflow, tightening securities, and ensuring the transparency of a company. Despite all the goods offered in this extraordinary technology, the pillars of the whole concept of decentralization depend only on the principles of infrastructure development, maximum cyber security and platform availability. It was like a physical building that needed sturdy pillars for its structure. The lack of a blockchain world results from inadequate reasons for building Applications and DApps to unleash the true potential of technology. Today, I will focus my discussion topic on a blockchain platform called CREDIT. The CREDITS team has critically studied the entire blockchain ecosystem and has realized various deficiencies in the industry resulting from inadequate infrastructure, security and platforms for developers to build Dapps and Applications. I believe my readers will find this platform very promising, just follow me as I discuss more broadly about the CREDIT platform.



Credit is an open source and decentralized blockchain ecosystem that was built for the development of DApps, Applications, and smart contract execution. Credit offers private and public solutions for the B2b and B2C markets that help remove barriers of trust and uncertainty in all sectors of the economy. Credit solves the problem of blockchain scalability, security and decentralization. It offers high-end network capabilities that are capable of processing up to 1 million transactions per 0.1 second with low transaction fees starting at 0.001 USD per transaction.

This is one of the extraordinary features of CREDIT and the efficiency of the service draws more businesses and users into the platform so that it closes the gap that prevents global blockchain adoption. CREDIT through their protocol offers a variety of solutions ranging from corporate sector services, DApps gambling, and other forms of decentralized application. With high demand for infrastructure solutions in the Blockchain space, the CREDITS development team works endlessly to create the necessary supplies. Credit focuses on applying blockchain technology to improve business and improve their mode of operation. Credit has offered a sustainable platform that offers the best infrastructure in the field of blockchain. Credit flash transactions are generated up to 5 blocks every second according to good security mechanisms.

The hardware wallet is for secure storage for users of digital currencies and CREDITS integrates a powerful security mechanism to ensure it is always safe to use for their global users. Wallets will be designed to ensure they are resistant to viruses and hardware wallet integration will be completed in the first quarter of 2020.

CREDITS has formed a large alliance with Russian companies such as Globaltechexport and Ivhimprom which will implement the blockchain for the supply chain business.


With the changes in the global market structure and blockchain ecosystem, CREDITS team has taken a new dimension to further their platform growth and development .Since early 2019, the Company has entered into various partnerships with over 30 companies around the world serving as a system integrator. Credits will be responsible for creating DApps and various services which will solve their customers' problems.CREDITS has been in alliance with large companies like Lenovo New Vision.Lenovo Vision Technology has incorporated credits blockchain into their system for the company management and operations. Credits will help in facilitating the development of the companies' software applications to merge the Internet of a Thing and AI/ AR with potential expansion into Logistic and Fintech.

CREDITS has created another partnership with IBM in processes automation,increase in productivity and customer service improvement in the IOT segment i.e Internet Of Thing.CREDITS has developed a business Model which involves using the IBM Watson infrastructure, the IBM clouds and CREDITS Blockchain platform for tapping both market and industries segment. This model creates great prospects that allows transformation of the modern world through proving the value of combining IoT and blockchain for businesses with the goal of mass adoption.

In addition, CREDITS team has been linking various blockchain projects into their ecosystem to further development and scaling of the infrastructure.2 among the large scale projects that form an alliance with CREDITS platform includes Quarkchain and Chainlink.




CREDITS is a robust blockchain platform that aims to solve problems of inadequate blockchain infrastructure and facilitating global adoption of blockchain technology. They have tried to achieve this by creating a blockchain infrastures for the global developers and offering blockchain services for companies and industries all over the world to boost their operations efficiencies. Currently Credits is working on a knowledge-based program for easy understanding of Credits protocol and hardware wallets. The hardware wallets is for safe storage of users digital currencies and CREDITS integrate a robust security mechanism to ensure it is always safe to use for their global users. The wallets will be designed to ensure they are resistant to viruses and the integration of the hardware wallet will be completed within the first quarter of 2020. It is no doubt CREDITS platform will gain significantly high number of users within a shorter time frame. It worth giving this project a very close attention, it has a huge success potential. Be part of something great.

For more information, please visit the link below:



Credits wallet address: 61te7JsmfjCB837tyRKyoZGQ9tdYwQwUUPZzJHHBDNzd

Minggu, 15 Desember 2019


Hello friends everyone, For my writing this one, this time I want to discuss a very interesting project called Mybillcash, but if you are interested in joining the Mybillcash project, you must first read the reviews that can help you get information about their project so You can see and evaluate well. Below is a review:

What is Mybillcash?

MyBillCash is a blockchain-based company that provides a platform connecting micro job seekers and employers based on-scale work demand from every nook and corner of the world. MyBillCash has a blockchain-based ecosystem that mimics a micro-task website where the transaction is done through bill tokens. They use Ethereum token cryptocurrency called Bills Cash for all the transactions that are made between the employee and the employer.

MyBillCash is a decentralized microtask platform on the blockchain with enabled users to user encrypted messages.

Check out the video about MyBillCash:

Features of MyBillCash:

The user is encrypted to the user's message
Economy voucher
Service market
Offer and get a quick job
Central escrow mechanism.
Job offer of $ 0.15
Search for jobs with keywords
Token Betting (0.35% daily)

The company acts as an interface for providing people to do simple online internet work and also get paid without any investments. The transaction system is also based upon a voucher economy. This enables the users of MyBillCash to generate vouchers by converting their earned bill tokens into loaded vouchers that can be sold for cash. The voucher economy allows the user to redeem the earned bill tokens as cash and also use the same for starting up a campaign on the site. The voucher once generated is valid for one year and is liable for one-time use only.

MyBillCash also uses a referral programme where the users can refer their family, friends and known people to MyBillCash. Once the referred person signs in using the referral link, the user gets paid with a single token. There is no limit to the number of people a user can refer MyBillCash using the referral program. Users can search for Jobs at MyBillCash faster as it enables Job searching by keyword. The freelancers using the website can look for quick jobs posted by employers that pay a minimum of 0.15$ per job. MyBillCash provides an environment that is an encrypted user to user chatting interface that allows publishers and advertisers to discuss about the job description and payment details in a secure environment. Once the job is completed, the employer would rate the work and based on that the success rate of the particular user who completed the job and pay him in tokens.


MyBillCash offers an ecosystem that promotes Bills token staking where the holder of the tokens can hold the tokens in his account as long as he wants. MyBillCash offers 0.35% daily on every 2000 bills or more that are staked in the account of the holder. However, MyBillCash notifies that the percentage isn’t permanent as it is subjected to change with the market reaction. MyBillCash claims to be the best in providing works form big business worldwide with no initial investment. MyBillCash claims to provide a stable market for micro jobs and project an increasing trajectory for the exchange values for Cash bill tokens.


Bills token can be staked for more profits, mybillcash offers 0.35% daily on every 2000 bills or more staked, this is equivalent to 10.5% per month. This percentage is not permanent and can be adjusted based on the market reactions to bills token trading.


Name - Bills Cash
Code - Bills
Decimal - 7
Contract - 0xCa5226f700d52f9A93Eab8180C3c85F75e856dC1
Total supply - 11,000,000
Token type - Ethereum ERC 20


Signup & referral bonus - 25%
Reserve for masternode - 45%
Team - 10 %
Game development - 5 %
Game promotions - 5 %
Legal and documentation - 2 %
Bounty - 2 %
Airdrop - 2 %
Advisors - 1 %
Reserved - 3 %

For more information see the link below:


Username: Sumurbor

ETH Address: 0x748bd5a5753587937fAC0e726B384bDbD2870644

MyBillCash - Decentralized microtask platform on the blockchain with users

Hello friends everyone, For my writing this one, this time I want to discuss a very interesting project called Mybillcash, but if you are interested in joining the Mybillcash project, you must first read the reviews that can help you get information about their project so You can see and evaluate well. Below is a review:


Talk about innovation, including technological innovation, talk about business and industry. In the end, innovation is part of the business battle. Innovation policy must be part of industrial policy. The development of science and technology, which can increase the reserve of knowledge that can be combined for innovation needs, must be a support for industrial policy.

The above makes many people assume that technology R&D activities are the main thing in pursuing technological progress. Their focus is only to encourage the development of science and technology, without improving the conditions that encourage these developments and ignoring factors that limit or reduce the motivation for the development of science and technology.

=> The first blockchain was conceptualized by an individual (or group of individuals) known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008.

=> Launched the following year in January 2009 by Nakamoto as a core component of Bitcoin cryptocurrency, where it functions as a public ledger for all transactions on the network.
Through the use of the blockchain, Bitcoin became the first digital currency to solve the problem of double spending without the need for trusted authority and has become an inspiration for many additional applications.

=> I believe that in a hundred years, blockchain will be as common and necessary as electricity today. They will become a fundamental part of the economy that almost everyone will interact with every day. They will be so normal that we will forget their existence.

=> We must expect that, over the next few decades, we will see an explosion of Cambrian blockchain applications and chains such as what has happened with the internet over the last few decades or electrification in the early 20th century.

=> If that's true, it's good to develop a basic understanding of blockchain, including why it's important and how it works.

It is clear that logistics is a large and complex industry that requires careful tracking and long working hours from manual input and it is not easy to make everything transparent to consumers and producers. At present, thanks to the development of blockchain technology, logistics and transportation management has changed a lot. The way physical goods are transferred and sold can be greatly influenced. Some companies have tried to find solutions to modern logistical problems, however, there is no truly optimal solution. Current options are often too expensive to do.

What Is Mybillcash About?

MyBillCash is a blockchain-based company that provides a platform connecting micro job seekers and employers based on-scale work demand from every nook and corner of the world. MyBillCash has a blockchain-based ecosystem that mimics a micro-task website where the transaction is done through bill tokens. They use Ethereum token cryptocurrency called Bills Cash for all the transactions that are made between the employee and the employer.

MyBillCash is a decentralized microtask platform on the blockchain with enabled users to use encrypted messages.

MyBillCash Features:

Encrypted user to user messages
Voucher economy
Service marketplace
Offer and take a quick job
Central escrow mechanism.
Job offers from $ 0.15
Job searching by keyword
Token staking (0.35% daily)


$5 per free signup
$2 per free referral

The company acts as an interface for providing people to do simple online internetwork and also get paid without any investments. The transaction system is also based upon a voucher economy. This enables the users of MyBillCash to generate vouchers by converting their earned bill tokens into loaded vouchers that can be sold for cash. The voucher economy allows the user to redeem the earned bill tokens as cash and also use the same for starting up a campaign on the site. The voucher once generated is valid for one year and is liable for one-time use only.

MyBillCash also uses a referral program where the users can refer their family, friends and known people to MyBillCash. Once the referred person signs in using the referral link, the user gets paid with a single token. There is no limit to the number of people a user can refer MyBillCash using the referral program. Users can search for Jobs at MyBillCash faster as it enables Job searching by keyword. The freelancers using the website can look for quick jobs posted by employers that pay a minimum of 0.15$ per job. MyBillCash provides an environment that is an encrypted user to user chatting interface that allows publishers and advertisers to discuss about the job description and payment details in a secure environment. Once the job is completed, the employer would rate the work and based on that the success rate of the particular user who completed the job and pay him in tokens.

MyBillCash offers an ecosystem that promotes Bills token staking where the holder of the tokens can hold the tokens in his account as long as he wants. MyBillCash offers 0.35% daily on every 2000 bills or more that are staked in the account of the holder. However, MyBillCash notifies that the percentage isn’t permanent as it is subjected to change with the market reaction. MyBillCash claims to be the best in providing works form big business worldwide with no initial investment. MyBillCash claims to provide a stable market for micro jobs and project an increasing trajectory for the exchange values for Cash bill tokens.

SOURCE MyBillCash:


Bills token can be staked for more profits, mybillcash offers 0.35% daily on every 2000 bills or more staked, this is equivalent to 10.5% per month. This percentage is not permanent and can be adjusted based on the market reactions to bills token trading.


Name — Bills Cash
Code — Bills
Decimal — 7
Contract — 0xCa5226f700d52f9A93Eab8180C3c85F75e856dC1
Total supply — 11,000,000
Token type — Ethereum ERC 20

Token Distributions:

Signup & referral bonus — 25%
Reserve for masternode — 45%
Team — 10 %
Game development — 5 %
Game promotions — 5 %
Legal and documentation — 2 %
Bounty — 2 %
Airdrop — 2 %
Advisors — 1 %
Reserved — 3 %

For more information, please visit the link below:



ETH Address:0x748bd5a5753587937fAC0e726B384bDbD2870644

Senin, 09 Desember 2019

Co-DEX - Pertukaran aset digital terdesentralisasi yang cepat dan aman

Hallo teman teman semuanya , Masi bersama saya Sumurbor , Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan penjelasan mengenai proyek CO-DEX, Untuk info lebih lanjut masi kita simak bersama sama Blog saya di bawah ini:


Co-DEX adalah platform perdagangan terdesentralisasi untuk cryptocurrency, dibangun di atas infrastruktur keamanan perintis dan menggunakan sistem revolusioner.

Co-DEX adalah pertukaran yang dilakukan oleh komunitas, untuk komunitas, maka Co-DEX akan menjadi pertukaran pertama yang akan menerapkan kebijakan TANPA BIAYA untuk transaksi, pengguna diminta untuk hanya menutupi biaya transaksi dari penambang dan / atau validator yang mendaftar tindakan di blockchains.

Pengalaman langsung perdagangan peer-to-peer tanpa risiko keamanan mempercayai pihak ini, Anda memiliki kontrol penuh atas aset Anda setiap saat.


Niat Co-DEX adalah untuk melihat basis luas anggota masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi dalam IDO yang direncanakan di Dex kami. Co-DEX tidak dapat menjamin bahwa semua pihak yang berkepentingan akan dapat memperoleh alokasi yang diinginkan selama fase Privat dan IDO, di mana batas maksimum maksimum akan setara dengan sekitar $ 5 juta dalam ETH / BTC / ATOM. Jumlah token yang dimungkinkan selama Kontribusi Token adalah 100.000.000 COD1.

Mengapa memilih Co-DEX?

Co-DEX dikembangkan menggunakan Tendermint / teknologi revolusioner Etherend, dan fitur-fitur IBC, untuk memastikan biaya transaksi, pertukaran kontrak pintar, tanpa penahanan, pertukaran kontrak pintar, yang mendukung perdagangan real-time dan throughput transaksi tinggi. Co-DEX akan menjadi batas pendukung dan pesanan pasar, pembatalan bebas pajak, dan kemampuan untuk mengisi banyak perdagangan sekaligus.

Pertukaran aset digital desentralisasi yang cepat dan aman, berdasarkan pada fitur platform interoperabilitas IBC yang dibuat oleh Cosmos Network.

"Oleh komunitas" dan "Untuk komunitas!"

Kami Co-DEX memilih spektrum pasar crypto sambil mengekspresikan ekspresi dari kebutuhan, kekhawatiran dan keinginan orang-orang yang juga merangkul ide-ide dari komunitas.

Dari Co-DEX yang muncul, dan kemudian, Co-DEX akan berkembang menjadi cermin dari semua ide yang dimasukkan oleh komunitas dan anggotanya.

Umpan balik adalah kata kunci, ketepatan waktu, keterbukaan, dan penyelesaian masalah adalah kredo utama. Kami berada di Co-DEX membuat beberapa masukan dan semua orang dan semua akan datang untuk membantu antara layanan kami dan platform kami.

TANPA BIAYA, adalah keyakinan kuat Anda! Kami adalah komunitas dan komunitas, kami akan mewujudkan tujuan ini, untuk komunitas! Co-DEX akan melakukan NO BIAYA atas persyaratan gas atau biaya transaksi, yang memvalidasi transaksi dalam blockchains.

Anda akan merasa menjadi bagian dari proyek ini, karena Co-DEX akan membantu Anda terhubung dengan terus mengorganisir acara dan airdrop, program hadiah dan hadiah, karena setelah IDO selesai, fokus akan ditetapkan pada Anda dan pengalaman Anda.

Orang-orang dari semua lapisan masyarakat diundang untuk terlibat ketika kita benar-benar tahu ide-ide baru untuk memberi manfaat kepada orang-orang di dunia kripto yang merupakan komunitas kita.

Buat untuk mengikuti Anda di media sosial kami, pastikan untuk berkencan dengan semua berita, dan merasa bebas untuk bergabung dengan percakapan.

Berapa biaya untuk perdagangan di Co-DEX?

Co-DEX akan mempraktikkan NO BIAYA pada gas yang diperlukan atau biaya transaksi yang memvalidasi transaksi pada blockchain. Kami akan menyediakan platform yang efisien, pengguna hanya akan dibebankan jumlah yang diperlukan untuk menutup biaya transaksi, hanya memberi Anda opsi untuk memiliki kontrol lebih besar pada sistem biaya layanan.

Apa itu Tendermint dan bagaimana cara kerja antar-blockchain?

Tendermint adalah mesin generik (mengabstraksi jaringan dan lapisan konsensus dari blockchain) di mana aplikasi sewenang-wenang dapat dibangun. Blok-blok ini memiliki semua lapisan aplikasi yang berbeda, tetapi mereka berbagi beberapa jaringan dan tumpukan konsensus. Karena itu, mudah untuk menghubungkan mereka dengan orang lain. Koneksi antara blockchain Tendermint dicapai melalui protokol yang disebut Protokol Komunikasi Antar-Blok (IBC). IBC menggunakan properti finalitas instan Tendermint untuk melihat semua rantai heterogen untuk bertukar cairan (yaitu token) dengan yang lain.



Peta Jalan Kami:

Strategi dan Rencana Proyek Kami

Q1 2019
Membuat Pendanaan Co-DEX dan membentuk Tim Pengembangan

Q2 2019
Bentuk dewan penasihat, Pengembangan situs

Q3 2019
Peluncuran situs, peluncuran media sosial dan saluran komunikasi

Q3 2019
Mulai Kontribusi Pribadi

Q3 2019
Alpha menguji platform

Q4 2019
Platform beta testing

Q4 2019
Peluncuran platform pertukaran desentralisasi

Q4 2019
Peluncuran COD1 IDO

Q4 2019
Hosting IDO lainnya

Q1 2020
Implementasi berbagai token blockchain dan mata uang melalui fitur interoperabilitas yang dibuat oleh COSMOS

Q2 2020
Pengembangan Dompet CO-DEX kami

Q3 2020
Peluncuran CO-DEX Wallet, membuat fitur kompatibilitas dengan platform

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi tautan di bawah ini:


Nama Pengguna:Sumurbor

ETH Address: 0x748bd5a5753587937fAC0e726B384bDbD2870644

Co-DEX - Future trading platform for everyone


Hello everyone ... Masi with me Sumurbor, For this article I want to discuss a very interesting project called CO-DEX, but if you are interested in joining the CO-DEX project, you must first read the reviews that can help you get information about project that allows you to see and understand well. Below is a review:

Co-DEX is exactly what the crypto world needs for the future of decentralized exchange. The exchange will be built based on IBC innovations made by Cosmos Network. I will briefly discuss Cosmos Network to show you why the crypto world needs Co-DEX.

The scaling problem for blockchains has been understood and addressed by many teams. However, what is largely ignored is the issue of interoperability and its impact on the crypto space in the future. Lacking protocols to enable automatic communication between chains, projects that are decentralized blockchain will continue to survive in silos, and blockchain ecosystems will generally remain cracked.

Cosmos Network, however, solves the problem of interoperability and at the same time solves the problem of security and transparency. Co-dex decentralized exchange will offer the highest level of security and transparency and open-source logic by implementing interoperability from Cosmos Network.

Trading on the Co-DEX exchange will be very convenient for me on the grounds that I have the option to trade any cryptocurrency regardless of the original underlying blockchain. Over time, while trading on other decentralized exchanges I was always limited to certain types of cryptocurrency, which also limited my ability to become a successful crypto trader.

Finding a trade exchange where I can trade cryptocurrency easily and comfortably will take my trading career to the next level, and Co-DEX will be that exchange for me! The Co-DEX system will develop on the principle of anonymity and privacy. When trading on the exchange, each transaction will be executed following the protocol needed to ensure maximum security and efficiency.

On Co-DEX, I will have the option to secure my funds in a Co-DEX wallet that is designed to hold private keys only on my device. The main goal for this is so that I can maintain full control over my funds as a trader on the Co-DEX decentralized exchange. This feature is very important because it will avoid cases like the CEO of the Canada cryptocurrency exchange who died with the only private key information. Traders on the exchange, called Quadriga, have lost around 145 million dollars in crypto.

Co-DEX exchanges will ensure that every procedure on the trading platform is greatly simplified through the first policy of their community. The only fee I have to pay on the platform is the amount needed to cover transaction costs. This means that I will be able to have more control over the service fee system. Eliminating the substantial costs imposed on other crypto trading exchange platforms is very helpful in simplifying trading.

Co-DEX plans to utilize all the beneficial features of Cosmos Network to offer services such as cross-chain transactions, which are the main features in this entire project. The CIB features created by Cosmos Network will allow much needed interoperability under decentralized and fully secure platforms. This will give me a base to trade on almost all cryptocurrency from various blockchain.


Co-DEX is trying to revolutionize the entire crypto exchange ecosystem by offering a world of a neutral currency decentralized platform that develops with privacy and efficiency and utilizes the IBC innovations produced by Cosmos Network.

For more detailed information about the Co-DEX project, please visit the link below:



ETH Address: 0x748bd5a5753587937fAC0e726B384bDbD2870644

BNX FINEX - Your Crypto Banking Financial Solution

  Hi everyone ... I'm here to tell you all by writing a review to introduce a very unique new project called BNXFINEX , so for that, con...