V-ID is the best candidate to become a de-facto standard solution for document fraud.
The service uses common and reliable principles to verify and verify any digital file of any publisher. This is possible due to the invariable and transparent nature of the blockade.
Among the first customers who currently use V-ID, are Airbus Defense Space, ESHRE European Research Institute and Vitrumnet optical fiber supplier.
The issuing organization can register any file through the V-ID verification process, allowing each recipient to verify its authenticity in seconds and free of charge. V-ID does not save a copy of the checked file and therefore easily complies with the recommendations of the GDPR.
The Utility V-ID current offers a specific added value for identifying issuing organizations, storing digital fingerprints in an intellectual contract, and processing payments for verification.
One of the drawbacks of digital digitization of society is the difficulty of combating digital file fraud. Decision
V-ID is a service that uses blockchain technology to make digital file fraud impossible. Users of V-ID can be divided into two groups: creators and recipients. When the creator registers the file in the V-ID, the recipient can verify the authenticity of this file.
The V-ID verification process ensures that the person registering the file actually represents the organization issuing the file. V-ID does not save a copy of the checked file and therefore easily complies with the recommendations of the GDPR.
The recipient of the file can verify the authenticity and contents of the file by entering it into the verification terminal at https://www.v-id.org. After checking the file, V-ID creates a scan report. OIC (certificate of information on origin) is offered in PDF format. This certificate contains all the information about the issuing party, the file itself and all the block-chain data, such as a timestamp and proof of existence. Verification process Verification can be carried out in two ways: verification by a certified employee of the V-ID and self-assessment. For each check, a transaction is executed with V-ID tokens. Due to the data associated with these transactions in the block chain, both the validating party and the checked file are completely transparent.
This method allows the employee of the publishing organization to check the files at any time. V-ID assigns a purse to the issuing organization that contains the V-ID token balance. All organizations-issuers and partners will be verified by V-ID.
There is no standard de facto solution against document fraud. There are many start-ups and research groups that are experimenting with a form of security using blockchain technology.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) conducted a pilot program in 2017 with the participation of 111 students who received a digital version of their diploma along with the physical version. In this concept only a student can download a copy of the diploma. The concept works only through the application, and recipients can not verify the certificate for authenticity later. Gradbase and Skillchain are two startups that focus exclusively on the resume. Both of them are still at the development stage and do not yet have customers. DiguSign is a project developed by the community of enthusiasts around the DigiByte coin.
He uses the digital signature for documents and writes them to the block-chain through the project environment. They leave the verification process for users. There are no clients yet, but DigiByte claims that they have more than 1000 users.
In addition, there are quite a few commercial organizations, such as Adobe and Signix, which offer some confidence in the origin of digitally signed documents.
Nevertheless, these are one-sided, not easy to apply and not easily verifiable methods. In addition, the corresponding files must be adapted for this purpose, and these "signatures" or password protection do not provide real, flawless protection against file changes.
Verification services are offered by a growing number of market participants, such as Nuffic and Trulioo. These services use methods based on human control, using knowledge, experience and sampling.
An interesting concept is Civic, which offers a similar verification and verification service for personal identification (passports, etc.). Civic also bases its method on the Bitcoin protocol, the world's most famous blockbuster.
Verification of the V-ID website: https://www.v-id.org/
Selling a website token: https://token.v-id.org/?2
Technical paper: https://token.v-id.org/page/v-id-business-white-paper.php
Twitter: https://twitter.com/v_id_blockchain
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/VIDT/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/v-id/
Medium: https://medium.com/@pim_vee
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/v_id_org/
Telegram: https://t.me/vidtoken
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