Rabu, 24 April 2019

ARCC => Eliminating Corruption in Emerging Markets

Have you thought about what our world and society would look like if it were not financially stratified? I'm talking about the stratification into the poor and the rich. How would we live? How did you interact? Would we be happier if everyone could allow themselves to do something they could not? I think yes and this is not some kind of utopia, everything is possible. It remains only to allow some nuances that hinder this unjust separation and life will obviously flow in a new way.


I think you have repeatedly met such loud statements in the news, as some official stole a large sum from the state budget and built an incredibly huge house with this money. Or, for example, a high-ranking municipal employee under-paid salaries to his colleagues and made a fortune on this. Unfortunately, there are thousands of such examples, but they all have the same name - corruption. Because of this word, so many countries are simply choking. Rather, the population is suffocating, where the very same corruption is flourishing. It is difficult for the common man to somehow change it, since he has no powers to do this. Yes, and he certainly can not resist the local government, as corruption grows and develops, only with the support of state power and classical financial processes.


A whole team of professionals and specialists intends to eliminate the existing injustice, whose idea is aimed at new transparent relationships between all people, excluding even the slightest signs of corruption and other fraudulent schemes.

About the project:

In today's review, we will probably talk about the first and so far one of a kind project that touches on such a global topic. If earlier we met some financial instruments that struggled with high commission costs and third parties involved in financial transactions, this project wants to offer us a completely new social environment built on the basis of modern innovations. And this project is called ARCC.

Its mission is to ensure stable economic development without corruption of more than 630 million inhabitants in Southeast Asia, using the blockchain technology and the associated cryptocurrencies.

Project features:

I think many of you have become interested to learn a more detailed principle of the work of this project, since I have never considered such areas of interest before. In fact, the principle of operation of the ARCC looks quite simple. All you need is to upload your “Socially Labor Evidence” to the decentralized ARCC system, where they will be subject to identification and corruption testing. Also, social and economic research will be actively involved, which, after the reports received, will mark urban corruption with dots on the map. The ARCC developers are pursuing a lofty goal, creating an emerging market using the socio-economic ARCC model for the poor. Yes, this is a very global goal; nevertheless, it is real, it has every chance to exist and develop in the entire Southeast region of Asia.

The ARCC economic matrix itself consists of a large number of different functions and elements, each of which is responsible for the fulfillment of certain duties. This matrix looks like this:



In addition to fighting corruption against ARCC, it will also be able to encourage the poor to provide assistance in loading data into the ARCC data system. That is, anyone can upload service data to ARCC or identify geographic points of corruption on the map and receive an award in the form of an internal token (ARCC).


The downloaded data in the ARCC is carefully checked for the true value of the cartel rent, if some kind of discrepancy occurs, then the means of the ARCC application itself and other media are aware of that corrupt person. This method intends to stimulate the public mandate and support the poor class of residents.

Details of the ICO:

To support the poor class of residents is going to not only the platform itself, but also the regional cryptocurrency (ARCC). The decentralized economic model IBMR, which is officially registered in Singapore, intends to provide this cryptocurrency reserve. I would also like to note a very unusual phenomenon that I have never met before. It turns out to mint coins the development team intends the next 40 years, releasing each year the next batch of tokens. This method will help regulate the mandate of monetary policy throughout the Southeast Asia.

The distribution of tokens in the first stage of the 18-year period:


The distribution of tokens in the second stage of the 22-year period:



Of course, in my review I covered only a small part of the existing information on this project and its ideas. Nevertheless, based on the above, it can be concluded that the project team has raised a very serious topic and it will take more than one year of work for them to implement their ideas. So how to fix in an instant, what accumulated over decades is extremely difficult. But I believe that they will succeed, because the main thing in our world is to act! What they intend to do.

I recommend to study this project in more detail, since it really represents an interesting specimen that can drastically change the lives of millions of people. Who knows, maybe sometime in our country there will be such activists who will want to destroy the corrupted power that has been formed.

But do not forget that my recommendations are only of an introductory nature and do not call you to anything concrete. So, as always it is worth remembering about the responsibility of your own actions and decisions made!

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FICIAL SITE: https://ibmr.io



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